Grade 5
Fifth grade is a year of transition for many students. As puberty approaches, students begin to be more influenced by both their peers and social norms. Academics continue to be more structured and analysis is emphasized in all subject areas.
Topics covered in grade 5 include:
Language Arts
Reading and Literature
Oral reading.
Reading comprehension: prediction, summary, inference.
Speed reading.
Vocabulary building.
Review of cursive writing formation through skill practice and original composition.
Weekly word lists on various categories and vocabulary study.
Writing Process and Grammar
Word usage: Using the best quality words; using synonyms, antonyms, and homonyms; using the dictionary and thesaurus; making subjects and verbs agree; using troublesome words correctly; using modifiers well.
Grammar: Mastering subjects and predicates, simple and compound; recognizing and using all eight parts of speech; recognizing complements.
Composition: Recognizing and writing good sentences; recognizing and correcting sentence fragments; recognizing and writing declarative, interrogative, exclamatory, and imperative sentences; learning and using the writing process; developing good paragraphs and writing with details; writing research reports and book reports; capitalization rules; punctuation rules; creative writing.
Number sense.
Recognize the place value of numbers through billions.
Know addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division facts.
Know how to carry in addition and borrow in subtraction.
Know how to solve multiplication problems with up to four digits in the multiplier.
Know how to solve division problems with up to three digits in the divisor.
Know how to check addition, multiplication, and division problems through estimation.
Solve story problems.
Average numbers.
Know Roman numerals.
Know how to round off whole numbers, decimals, and money.
Know fraction terminology and how to solve problems containing fractions.
Add and subtract fractions with a common denominator or having to find a common denominator, multiply and divide fraction.
Recognize proper and improper fractions.
Change mixed numbers to improper fractions and change improper fractions to mixed or whole numbers.
Subtract fractions involving borrowing.
Write a remainder as a fraction.
Write a fraction as a decimal.
Work division problems involving fractions.
Factor whole numbers to find the greatest common factor.
Find the least common multiple shared by two or more numbers.
Write decimals as fractions.
Add, subtract, multiply, and divide decimals.
Compare decimals.
Rename decimals.
Recognize terminating and repeating decimals.
See common fractions and decimal equivalents.
Round off decimals.
Read a thermometer.
Solve equations containing an unknown number.
Read and draw pictographs, bar graphs, and line graphs.
Read scale drawings.
Recognize and draw geometric shapes and figures.
Find the perimeter of a polygon. Find the perimeter and area of a rectangle and a square.
Recognize and use exponents.
Recognize square roots and square numbers.
Force and motion.
Electricity and magnetism.
Engines: steam, internal combustion, jet propulsion, rocket engines.
Water, Air, Weather.
Earth and Space
Geology: Treasures of the Earth.
Oceanography: The Living Sea.
Astronomy: The Nine Planets, Stars, Moon, Sun.
Pinyin, Basic Strokes
Pinyin, Numbers
Telephone Number
Family Members
Daily Routine
Means of Transportation
Recognize and name basic word strokes and order of strokes.
Understand lesson contents and recognize the shape, sound, and meaning of vocabulary words.
Know Chinese culture.
Be able to listen, speak, read and write what they have been taught.
Be able to use words in a sentence and short paragraphs.
Be able to use Pinyin to spell Chinese characters
Be able to use Pinyin to type Chinese characters into the computer.
US History from the 1600's to Present
Colonial Heritage.
American Revolution.
Civil War.
Industrial Age.
World War I and World War II.
Depression Era.
Freedom and Responsibility from a Biblical worldview.
American Historical Documents for Study and/or Memorization
Declaration of Independence.
American's Creed.
Preamble to the Constitution.
Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address.
Memory Verses
Biblical doctrine
God's Word is faithful and true from generation to generation.
God created all things.
Man is sinful and separated from God.
God's plan of salvation through Jesus Christ alone.
Bible Study to acknowledge and proclaim His mighty works
Selections from the Old Testament .
Selections from the New Testament.