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Grade 1

First grade is an important step for children. They feel more “grown up” as they are finally in a “numbered” grade. Academically, reading and writing become more fluent with most students are reading chapter books by the end of the school year. In math, they begin to learn more complex addition and subtraction and start to connect numbers with concepts such as time and money. Exploration continues in science as students recognize patterns and identify characteristics in the world around them. 

Subject areas covered in grade 1 include:


Language Arts


This course focuses on building the foundations of reading and writing. Students learn to read fluently and expressively by using phonemic awareness and whole language approach. In grammar, students learn to write descriptive sentences and short paragraphs. Students expand their vocabulary through weekly spelling lists and through extensive reading and writing. Students develop communication skills through sharing, reading groups, story and Bible time, lesson time and class discussions.

Concepts learned

Descriptive sentences, creative stories and short paragraphs; decoding and analysis of words in reading and writing; story elements and critical responses when reading.

Skills learned

Manuscript writing; capitalization; punctuation; reading and recognizing sight words; reading and decoding grade level vocabulary words; comprehending short stories; writing descriptive sentences, creative stories, and short paragraphs.

Essential questions

What comes at the beginning and end of the sentence? How do we use language to effectively describe things and events? How do we identify parts of a story? How do we know how characters in a story feel?



Number recognition, counting, and writing 1-1,000.

Greatest and least.

Counting and writing by tens, fives, and twos.

Number sequences.

Addition facts through 20 with carrying.

Subtraction facts through 20 and two-digit subtraction with borrowing.

Story problems.

Counting and combining coins.

Telling time to the nearest five minutes.

Addition and subtraction strategies.

Recognizing odd and even numbers.


Place value in ones, tens, and hundreds.

Unit fractions.

Reading a thermometer.

Concept of arrays (introduction to multiplication).


Reading pictographs and bar graphs.

Developing listening skills.

Number sentences.



Concepts learned

Changing seasons, five senses, electricity, magnetism, the importance of our bodies, and plants, animals, and their habitats.

Skills learned

Describe the characteristics of each seasons; recording the weather daily; reading a thermometer; classify animals and various habitats; sequence the life cycles of animals and plants; plant seeds and record growth; recognize the importance of electricity and magnets in our daily lives.

Essential questions

What are the characteristics of the animal that makes you believe that they would be found in that habitat? Why is it important for us to take care of our environment? What can we learn from other plant and animal species that will help us be better people?




Numbers 1-20


Thank you!

Lesson Time.

What's your name?

I'm 5 years old.

Chinese Pinyin

Mom and Dad

Brothers and Sisters

Parts of the body 





Recognize and name basic word strokes and order of strokes.

Understand lesson contents and recognize the shape, sound, and meaning of vocabulary words.

Be able to use words in a sentence.

Know Chinese culture.


Social Studies


This course focuses on people, places, and map skills. Students identify members of the family and their roles. Students learn the foundations of America, cultural studies, safety within our homes and communities, and good manners.

Concepts learned

Appreciate and retell significant accomplishments and influential people and famous Americans in history; recognize the importance of different cultures.

Skills learned

Reciting foundation statements; recognize important people in American and Biblical history

Identify and locate the continents and oceans; reading maps; using polite words and manners in everyday life.

Essential questions

How did important people and their significant accomplishments change the United States?

How might have our world been different without these people or their contributions?

How do other cultures influence us?

How do we influence them?

How do good manners make our lives better?



This is My America


Memory verses.

Bible doctrine.

Lessons such as Salvation Series, Genesis, Life of Christ, Paul.


Health, Safety, Manners


Eating good foods.




Care of body, clothes, home.

Teeth – dental hygiene.


At home and away from home.

On streets, playground, water.


At home, school, church, public.


Cornerstone Academy

Silver Campus (Preschool - 3rd): 801 Silver Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94134, 415-587-7256

Cambridge Campus (4th - 8th): 501 Cambridge Street, San Francisco, CA 94134, 415-585-5183

Lawton Campus (Preschool): 1925 Lawton Street, San Francisco, CA 94122, 415-665-9747

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