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Research has shown that there is a positive correlation between school attendance and academic achievement. Teaching and learning activities in the classroom – especially the interactions among students and between students and teacher – are essential to the educational process and cannot be fully made up when missed. While we recognize that certain absences are unforeseen and cannot be avoided, we encourage parents and students to, whenever possible, schedule routine appointments outside of the school day.

For absences due to illness or medical appointment: Parents should report student absences by telephone (415-585-5183) before 8:30am on the day of the absence. If an absence is not reported prior to the student being absent, the student must bring a note signed by the parent to the front office. The note should give the date of and reason for the absence.

Planned absences: Parents who anticipate a student absence from school must obtain approval from the school two days prior to the planned absence. The student is responsible for obtaining assignments from teachers and submitting assignments when due.

Early departure: If a student must leave early from school, a note from the parent must be submitted to the front office no later than the start of the school day. In case of emergency, the parent should contact the front office to request early dismissal. Parents should arrive early to pick up the student to allow time for the student’s teacher to be contacted by the front office and to be dismissed from class.

Tardiness: Students are expected to arrive on time as being late disrupts the class and negatively affects the learning of all students. Tardiness may result in the lowering of academic and citizenship grades and may require a parent-teacher conference. Habitual tardiness may result if further disciplinary action.

Truancy: Truancy, or cutting class, is being absent from school for all or part of a day without parental and school permission. Truancy is considered most serious and may result in suspension from school on the first offense. Repeated truancy may result in expulsion.


Cornerstone Academy

Silver Campus (Preschool - 3rd): 801 Silver Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94134, 415-587-7256

Cambridge Campus (4th - 8th): 501 Cambridge Street, San Francisco, CA 94134, 415-585-5183

Lawton Campus (Preschool): 1925 Lawton Street, San Francisco, CA 94122, 415-665-9747

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