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Dress Code

Cornerstone believes that appropriate student attire enhances the learning environment and educational process. As such, students are required to wear a school uniform and follow reasonable standards for grooming and cleanliness. On certain days, the school may allow students to follow a relaxed dress code. In all cases, students who are not acceptably attired may be sent home to change and/or lose relaxed dress code privileges.

Specific uniform requirements and purchasing information may be acquired from the front office. Uniforms can be purchased from Classic Designs.


1551 Taraval Street (Cross St.: 26th Avenue)

San Francisco, California, 94116


You can also shop online by clicking HERE!

Unless a specific exception is made, the wearing of head coverings at school is generally prohibited. All outerwear, including sweatshirts, must be removed before class (except P.E. sweatshirts for P.E. class) and chapel service. Students are expected to wear the standard P.E. uniform for physical education class. 

Students are expected to be neat, clean, well-groomed, and moderate in style at all times, both on campus and at off-campus school events.

Complete information about the school dress code may be found in the Cornerstone Academy Parent/Student Handbook for Middle School.


Cornerstone Academy

Silver Campus (Preschool - 3rd): 801 Silver Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94134, 415-587-7256

Cambridge Campus (4th - 8th): 501 Cambridge Street, San Francisco, CA 94134, 415-585-5183

Lawton Campus (Preschool): 1925 Lawton Street, San Francisco, CA 94122, 415-665-9747

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